There’s a dichotomy between the traditional paper-centric doctor’s office and the digital-centric life of patients.
The Patient Journey Doesn’t Begin or End With a Warm Smile
Today, as has been the case for several years, the typical patient journey begins online. Fortunately, however, the unflattering term “Doctor Google”—patients doing their own “diagnostic research” online—is a less popular label these days. It could be that Internet users are growing smarter. A Google search is not the same as a medical degree. Sophisticated […]
Benefit or Barrier: Registration Kiosk and the Proper Patient Experience
So, which is better—face-to-face or face-to-screen? When technology makes an appearance in a medical office, it usually includes a tradeoff or two. And that’s the patient experience dilemma with self-service patient registration. Who likes it? It just depends. A positive patient experience begins early in the process—a phone inquiry, online appointment or office visit can […]
You Had Me at Hello: Winning with the First Word in Patient Experience
?” This little adventure began when a prospective new patient called a doctor’s office for a first appointment. And “rather than saying something pleasant, like Hello, the first word out of the receptionist’s mouth was ‘Insurance?’” The rudeness of her tone continued: “’IN! SUR! ANCE!’ She bit off each part of the word…she wanted to […]
It’s Hard to Be Easy: How to Deliver Great Patient Experience
The world of healthcare delivery continues to change—and the operational watchword is “easy.” This concept—a proven idea that practices can implement today—comes from the retail consumer world. Simply…when you make it easy for the customer, you differentiate yourself from the pack, and your results increase exponentially. “It’s supposed to be hard. If it wasn’t hard, […]
Recent Podcasts
- The Psychology of Waiting vs. Patient Experience Enemy Number One December 18, 2012
- Coach Lou Holtz, the Importance of a Timely Note, and Patient Satisfaction January 8, 2013
- Patient Experience Success Story: “Before It Was Cool” September 16, 2012
- Leadership: The Multi-Faceted Challenges and Rewards of Patient Experience May 11, 2012
- Hospital or Hotel? How Amenities Influence Facility Selection and Patient Satisfaction September 12, 2012
- Patient Loyalty: Why People Buy Emotions, Not Things January 19, 2018
- 4 Patient Experience Touchpoints: Doing the Right Thing December 6, 2017
- Become Best in Class in Patient Experience: Service Lessons from Iceland November 13, 2017
- 4 Smart Strategies That Deliver Stronger Patient Experience October 27, 2017
- Turning the Battleship and Building a Better Healthcare Experience October 10, 2017
- Barbara Hales, M.D.: An additional demand on ER time also stems from ph...
- Atiqur Rahman: Thank's,Stewart for this wonderful article,i enjo...
- Kellee Everts: Great article! I've always coached and cautioned ...
- Bruce Allen: Your analogy, with the doctor as the pilot and the...
- What Would Empathy-Based Healthcare Look Like? | News In Marketing: […] When I talked with Dr. Rosen on camera p...