Nemours “True North”: Unconventional Hours and Other Care Commitments

Dr Paul Rosen

Dr Paul Rosen

[Video Podcast] Pediatric Rheumatologist Dr. Paul Rosen, Clinical Director of Service Experience for Nemours Children’s Health System, talks with Stewart Gandolf at Cleveland Clinic’s recent Patient Experience Summit.

One of the significant take-away themes that came through the Patient Experience summit is putting the patient needs at the top of the priority list. Rather than fitting everything around the convenience of the institution, the family is the real focal point. It’s something that Dr. Paul Rosen is passionate about.

A case example was discussed in our video interview with Dr. Rosen who explains how Nemours Children’s Health System changed the paradigm about access to care, prompt appointments and unconventional service hours.

The “True North” commitment of the Nemours leadership team puts the family first. In their voice it says: “Help me receive exactly the care I need and want, how and when I need and want it.”

Dr. Rosen explains that when they asked patients and families about that vision, the voice of the family told them that the concept means “get me the care without delays,” “I want to see the doctor before school, after school, on weekends, the non-traditional office times.”

Marketing advantages of putting the patient first…

In Nemours’ patient-focused environment, the culture is to be aware of what the patient families are asking of the staff and facility. For example, they have an extensive family advisory committee network, Dr. Rosen said. And, when they open night and weekend hours, for example, their close working relationship with the marketing team enables them to communicate that message to families.

Is that a marketing advantage in attracting new patients? In our video podcast, Dr. Rosen told Stewart, “A lot of times I ask new patients ‘what brought you to Nemours?’ and many times they will say, ‘We called around, and you were able to see us quickly.’ ”

These are pediatric patients, so even when it’s not medically urgent, being seen by the doctor sooner (and not waiting several weeks) makes a difference to the family in elevating the worry. “From a family’s emotional perspective there is urgency, and you’re not losing sleep at night.”


Dr Paul Rosen & Stewart Gandolf

Dr Paul Rosen & Stewart Gandolf

Stewart Gandolf, MBA

About Stewart Gandolf, MBA

Stewart Gandolf, MBA, is both the Publisher of and the Co-Founder of Healthcare Success. Stewart has written for dozens of leading healthcare publications and spoken at hundreds of venues on a variety of topics including marketing, reputation management and patient experience. Additionally, he has personally consulted for over 1,500 hospitals and practices. Prior to becoming an entrepreneur, Stewart worked for leading advertising agencies including J. Walter Thompson.

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  1. What Would Empathy-Based Healthcare Look Like? | News In Marketing - January 21, 2015

    […] When I talked with Dr. Rosen on camera previously, we were attending Cleveland Clinic’s Patient Experience Summit. You can watch our video conversation here: Nemours “True North”: Unconventional Hours and Other Care Commitments. […]

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