[Guest Post by Dr. Paul Rosen] When I visit hospitals across the country, the first thing I like to check out is the parking lot. An informal assessment of the hospital parking lot is revealing. I like to see who has access to the premium parking spaces–those closest to the hospital. Is it the doctors […]
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Healthcare Doesn’t Have to Hurt So Much
[Guest Post by Dr. Paul Rosen] Almost a decade ago I was in a crowded conference room of doctors. There was a heated conversation about what to do about a particular patient complaint. Parents were complaining that the doctors were not giving any numbing medicine or pain control before doing a spinal tap on their […]

Never on Thursday: Flow and wait times at the DMV vs. the ER
Guest Post by Paul Rosen, MD A couple of weeks ago, I received the dreaded letter from the Department of Motor Vehicles. Visions of long lines, sitting on hard plastic chairs, and hours of wasted time went through my mind. It was a reminder to go to the DMV to renew my soon-to-expire Delaware driver […]
The Fine Art of Healing Begins with Caregiver Empathy
A Guest Post by cancer survivor Bruce W. Heinemann. In this article, Bruce shares his real-world insight about how patient experience, caring and empathy begins with the diagnosis. And it is an incredible opportunity for the caregiver to make a positive difference in the patient experience and its ultimate outcome. The diagnosis of prostate cancer […]

Is Your Practice and Patient Experience Living in the 21st Century?
Empowered patients expect physicians to use email. Patient Experience thought leader and Pediatric Rheumatologist Dr. Paul Rosen challenges fellow doctors to bring their communications into the 21st century to improve patient access to care, quality of service, boost patient satisfaction, enhance productivity and stand out above the competition. All too often, it seems like 21st […]

Patient Experience: Innovation Breakthrough or Lipstick on a Pig?
A professional colleague has an insightful perspective on what’s good, and what’s not so good, about “patient experience.” Admittedly, his viewpoint is purely experiential. He speaks only as a patient, and as family caregiver, who has seen many doctors’ offices. It’s not scientific, but the assessment rings true with many people. Let me know if […]
Patient Engagement – Beyond the Hype
By Gregg Tarquinio, PhD We’ve all seen the headlines: Is patient engagement for real? Just another marketing buzzword? Here today, gone tomorrow? We in the healthcare industry find this disconcerting, to say the least, but without real measurements, can we blame the skeptics? Though the actual term patient engagement may have only formally taken hold […]
The Janus Principle: Improving Patient Experience From Start to Finish
Good beginnings are required for good endings.

Coach Lou Holtz, the Importance of a Timely Note, and Patient Satisfaction
by Neil H. Baum, MD In my medical practice, I use note writing extensively to communicate with patients, with families of patients and with referring physicians. And yet, when I received a note, which is not related to patient care, it is always a little surprising and uplifting, and I’m reminded why note writing (and […]
10 Practical Tips To Enhance a Patient’s Experience With Your Practice
Editor’s Note: The real-world, doctor-to-doctor ideas that Dr. Baum presents in this article are based on his 30 years of experience as a practicing urologist. These practical patient experience concepts are useful and appropriate to most other professional disciplines and healthcare provider practices. All of us want our patients to have a positive experience with […]
Recent Podcasts
- The Psychology of Waiting vs. Patient Experience Enemy Number One December 18, 2012
Coach Lou Holtz, the Importance of a Timely Note, and Patient Satisfaction January 8, 2013
Patient Experience Success Story: “Before It Was Cool” September 16, 2012
Leadership: The Multi-Faceted Challenges and Rewards of Patient Experience May 11, 2012
Hospital or Hotel? How Amenities Influence Facility Selection and Patient Satisfaction September 12, 2012
Patient Loyalty: Why People Buy Emotions, Not Things January 19, 2018
4 Patient Experience Touchpoints: Doing the Right Thing December 6, 2017
Become Best in Class in Patient Experience: Service Lessons from Iceland November 13, 2017
4 Smart Strategies That Deliver Stronger Patient Experience October 27, 2017
Turning the Battleship and Building a Better Healthcare Experience October 10, 2017
- Barbara Hales, M.D.: An additional demand on ER time also stems from ph...
- Atiqur Rahman: Thank's,Stewart for this wonderful article,i enjo...
- Kellee Everts: Great article! I've always coached and cautioned ...
- Bruce Allen: Your analogy, with the doctor as the pilot and the...
- What Would Empathy-Based Healthcare Look Like? | News In Marketing: […] When I talked with Dr. Rosen on camera p...