When consulting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) conducted a national survey of over 6,000 US consumers in major industry sectors in the summer of 2012, they found several key differences between consumers’ attitudes and experiences in healthcare and other industries.
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Patient Experience Matters More Now Than Ever
By Guest Contributor on September 12, 2012 in Culture, Doctors, Health Plans, Hospitals, Leadership, Medical Practices

Apology: The Power of “I’m Sorry” in Patient Satisfaction (and Avoiding Litigation)
By Guest Contributor on September 10, 2012 in Doctor Interactions, Doctors, Hospitals, Leadership, Medical Practices, Staff Interactions
Most fairy tales begin with “once upon a time.” There is a fairy tale in the healthcare profession: once upon a time the initials “M.D.” indicated status, trust, and perfection. Most physicians today realize that elevated status, abundance of knowledge, infallibility, and blind trust by our patients are long gone and are the stuff of […]
Recent Podcasts
- The Psychology of Waiting vs. Patient Experience Enemy Number One December 18, 2012
Coach Lou Holtz, the Importance of a Timely Note, and Patient Satisfaction January 8, 2013
Patient Experience Success Story: “Before It Was Cool” September 16, 2012
Leadership: The Multi-Faceted Challenges and Rewards of Patient Experience May 11, 2012
Hospital or Hotel? How Amenities Influence Facility Selection and Patient Satisfaction September 12, 2012
Patient Loyalty: Why People Buy Emotions, Not Things January 19, 2018
4 Patient Experience Touchpoints: Doing the Right Thing December 6, 2017
Become Best in Class in Patient Experience: Service Lessons from Iceland November 13, 2017
4 Smart Strategies That Deliver Stronger Patient Experience October 27, 2017
Turning the Battleship and Building a Better Healthcare Experience October 10, 2017
- Barbara Hales, M.D.: An additional demand on ER time also stems from ph...
- Atiqur Rahman: Thank's,Stewart for this wonderful article,i enjo...
- Kellee Everts: Great article! I've always coached and cautioned ...
- Bruce Allen: Your analogy, with the doctor as the pilot and the...
- What Would Empathy-Based Healthcare Look Like? | News In Marketing: […] When I talked with Dr. Rosen on camera p...
best practice case examples
business advantage
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
choose a doctor
choose a hospital
cleveland clinic
clinical quality
consumer expectations
customer service
doctor interactions
doctor ratings
emotional needs
empowered patients
EMR electronic medical records
hospital ammenities
hospital ratings
internet technology
online ratings
online reputation
patient-centered care
patient-physician communications
patient centered care
patient convenience
patient experience
patient experience gap
patient experience summit
patient perspective
patient ratings
patient satisfaction
physician-patient communicaitons
social media
staff attitude
staff interactions
unconventional office hours
voice of the customer
wait times