
Your Guide to the Patient Experience Revolution

Congratulations! The very fact that you are visiting our site shows you want to improve the patient experience at your organization. That’s an admirable goal, and we’re here to help.

Of course, like any leader, you’ll probably have to bring along others with you. A lot of people in healthcare still treat patient experience as an afterthought, even if they say it is a priority. Worse, others even scoff at the very idea. “I don’t care if they like me; I only care if they get better.”

But that kind of backward thinking is doomed for extinction. The momentum is unstoppable.

Medicare reimbursements for hospitals and plans now take into account patient satisfaction scores. Individual doctors, groups and hospitals are consolidating into sophisticated healthcare systems which compete for patients. Meanwhile, younger and educated patients demand to be treated well.

We are all at the dawn of a new, exciting and better era in healthcare. Thanks for being a leader and an innovator.

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